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My talents and experience lend themselves toward Application Architecture, Advanced Development and Project Management with primary focus on business applications such as accounting, distribution, dealerships, and medical. Project management and full life cycle application development experience across multiple application boundaries provides the framework for architecting and deploying most any type of application.




Application Architecture/Design, Business Process Reengineering, Database Architecture/Design, Objected Oriented Design/Programming, Systems Analysis, Software Development, Multi-Site Deployment, End User Support, Data Warehousing, Process Improvement and Technical Training.



Project Management, Personnel Management and Business Strategy.



VB.NET, ASP.NET, MorphX, X++, C#, TSQL, SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, VBScript, BASIC, VBA, Perl, Unix Shell, C, RPG II, NPL, BASIC2, Targit, Assembler and others.



Enterprise Resource Management, Point-Of-Sale, Back-Office, Receivables, Payables, Payroll, General Ledger, Fixed Assets, Order Entry, Inventory Control (Peace Goods, Whole Goods, Raw Goods), Purchasing, Receiving, Warehouse Control, Medical Practice Management, Electronic Commerce (X12, XML), Service Department Management, Sales Force Management, Marketing Management, Parts Department Management and others.



Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0, 2009, 2012 R2, 2012 R3, V7


Development Tools/Environments:

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, SQL Server Management Studio (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS), Certified in Targit Business Analysis, Axapta MorphX and X++, Visual Basic 6, Install Shield, RoboHTML, Visual SourceSafe, Infragistics Tools, Microsoft Office, Niakwa Workbench, Captivate, Articulate and others.  AX 3.0, 2009, 2012 R2, 2012 R3, V7.


Operating Systems:

Win 3.1/95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/2008/2012/XP/Vista/7/8, IBM S/3X, Wang2200, Linux, SCO Unix, Xenix, Unixware.


Database Development:

Microsoft SQL Server 7/2000/2005/2008/2012/2014, Microsoft Access, Btrieve, Informix, Niakwa Data Manager (NDM).



WinSock, Active Server Pages (ASP), ASP.NET, CGI, Windows, Unix, COM, DCOM, COM+, MTS, RDS, and others.



Apache HTTP Server, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).


Work History

General Motors Arizona IT Innovation Center

Chandler, AZ



P97 Networks, Inc. (Senior Software Engineer)

10333 Richmond Ave

Houston, TX 77042

December 2012 to Present


Lazydays RV Super Center (Project Manager / Developer)

6130 Lazy Days Boulevard

Seffner (Tampa), FL  33584

April 2005 to November 2012


AIMData, LLC (Senior Software Architect)

2910 West Busch Blvd

Suite 916

Tampa, FL  33618

August 2004 to February 2005


SLM Software Company (Owner)

Software Engineer/Developer

1969 to August 2004


Recent Work Experience

April 2013 to Present:  Dynamics AX Developer.  I am working on a project to upgrade a large Dynamics AX 2009 implementation to Dynamics AX 2012 R2.  Our team responsibilities include taking ownership of multiple third party AX applications during the upgrade process.  I will be working on the AX upgrade team as well as profiling, documenting and cleaning the data for migration to 2012, creating a small data warehouse and presenting the users with two or three SSAS cubes along with multiple SSRS reports. Developed new external and internal facing application linking 3500 suppliers and 7000 supplier users to General Motors internal applications for delivery commitments and product shipping details.


December 2012 to April 2013: Senior Software Engineer and Developer.  I managed the functional design and development of enhancements to Dynamics AX 2012 R2 with Retail POS for deployment into a high volume retail environment with full use of the Dynamics AX back-office applications.


April 2005 to November 2012:  Senior Software Architect, Developer, and Project Manager for the largest RV dealership in the world.  I managed architected and developed projects as a part of the Microsoft Axapta installation for 400+ clients and managed implementation of third party package and custom applications to supplement and interface with Microsoft Axapta.  My major emphasis was on Axapta Reporting where my team created a full set of outward facing printed forms such as Invoices and Purchases Orders, and developed 300+ internal custom reports.  I have completed a number of projects deployed with SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Analysis Services and the Targit presentation layer. In 2011 and 2012 I was an instrumental member of a team of developers who created an enterprise data warehouse based on the Kimball methods where we deployed three databases and seven cubes to production.


August 2004 to February 2005: Senior Software Architect for development of Distribution Management System for Automobile Dealerships using ASP.NET, VB.NET, IIS 6 and SQL Server 2000.  Managed 5 programmers and one DBA.  We were developing an comprehensive ASP.NET based automotive dealership application including accounting, sales, F&I, service and CRM applications.


January 2004 through August 2004:  Developed a home management application for use by homeowners to track recipes, autos, houses, contacts, calendar events, and shopping.  Windows Forms, VB.NET, SQL Server 2000.




  • Developed a data transformation application to import and export manufacturer catalog data to and from PTDA (Power Transmission Distributors Association) catalog format.  Windows Forms, VB.NET, SQL Server 2000.

  • Developed a combination Win Forms and ASP.NET web site to dynamically create fact sheets for a pump and meter manufacturer. Windows Forms, ASP.NET, SQL Server 2000, IIS 6, Windows Server 2003.

  • Developed 160+ tutorials for Infragistics relating to the line of Windows Forms and ASP.NET controls.



2002 and before: See complete Summary below.



Samuel L. Matzen was introduced to the computer industry through the Electrical Engineering Department at Wichita Status University in 1968. In the Spring of 1969, after producing a custom program for the student placement department, the director of the WSU Computer Center, Professor John Olaughlin employed him as the manager of the IBM 1130 computer center. During this period, he developed a job accounting system for the IBM 1130 computer, produced graphic presentation software for computer performance analysis, developed a user manual for the IBM 1130 computer center, and instructed as many as 500 students per semester in the hands-on use of the IBM 1130 computer.


During the following two years, in addition to managing the IBM 1130 computer center, Mr. Matzen worked as a student assistant to the dean of engineering, Dr. C. V. Jackowitz, and performed specialized scientific programming tasks for the Aeronautical Engineering Department in the field of theoretical wing design.


1970 brought Mr. Matzen’s first exposure to commercial data processing when he was asked by Dr. Andrew J. Craig of the Aeronautical Engineering Department to develop a job tracking, billing and accounts receivable system for a medical testing laboratory.


In 1971, Mr. Matzen started the installation of his first major commercial distribution account, A-B Sales Wholesale Liquor. Inventory control and billing were the first applications developed, with payroll, accounts payable, and general ledger following. IBM later marketed the inventory control and billing applications as an Installed User Program.


This highly successful installation lead Mr. Matzen into the world of custom computer software development where he installed many single station, multi-station, on-line, and batch IBM computer system in such diverse organizations a large dairy, an oil packaging and distributing organization, an agricultural equipment manufacturer, an insurance brokerage firm, a number of automotive parts distributors, a gifts distributor, an electrical distributor, a radio and television station, and a number of wholesale liquor distributors.


During the next decade, Mr. Matzen developed and installed both custom and package software for the Wang 2200 line of computer systems. Additional business experience was accumulated in the areas of professional billing and receivables, bus manufacturing, equipment dealerships, franchise accounting, carpet distribution, appliance distribution, retail drug and gift distribution, restaurant accounting, country club accounting, carpet distribution, construction accounting and job costing, retail clothing, boiler manufacturing, wholesale and retail tire distribution, and medical software for general medicine, optometry, chiropractic and dentistry.


With the aging of the Wang 2200 line of computer systems, and the lack of a reasonable growth path for the Wang 2200 software, Mr. Matzen discontinued the marketing of his extensive line of computer software and concentrated on consulting.


In early 1986, Mr. Matzen in partnership with Mr. Bob Rivers of Rochester, New York, purchased a company from Bausch and Lomb that had been selling and installing computer systems for optometrists. Rivers-Matzen Computer Support acquired the assets and account base from Bausch and Lomb, and continued to enhance the optometry product, as well as enhance the products for chiropractic, general medicine, and dentistry.


The introduction of a new software compatibility product in 1988 provided the catalyst for Rivers-Matzen to re-introduced Mr. Matzens distribution software products. Benchmark sites for the Dealer/Distribution Management System (D/DMS) included a multi-state four-store industrial lift truck dealership in St. Louis and a computer dealership in Rochester, New York, both operating on industry standard super microcomputers running the SCO XENIX operating system.


During the early 1990s, Mr. Matzen’s distribution software systems were installed for a four-store construction dealer in Texas, a multi-state seven-store industrial supplies distributor in Kansas, a single store material handling supplies distributor in Kansas, and a multi-state LP Gas and Fertilizer equipment dealer in Kansas.


In 1996, Mr. Matzen in conjunction with Mr. Rivers, enhanced the optometry software to include an extensive spectacle and contact lens ordering system for Wal-Mart Vision Centers, followed by extensive enhancements to systems in the distribution of ophthalmic equipment and supplies for distributors in Florida and Missouri.


In 2000, Mr. Matzen developed a Visual Studio like Integrated Development Environment for the Niakwa Programming Language (NPL) for Niakwa Inc.  Has deployed a number of web sites with both Microsoft and Unix technologies.


In 2001-2002, Mr. Matzen developed and deployed a multi-level marketing web application for a startup in Arizona and an order entry web application for a reseller in Germany, integration of a robust report writer product into business applications in Germany, and continued development of a Windows based Enterprise Resource Planning system.  Also completed during this time was an Automotive Repair Shop point-of-sale application for the German market, and an XML based “Virtual Stock” application used by the top 6 distributors of auto parts in Germany.


In 2003-2004

  1. Development of 160+ tutorials for Infragistics relating to the UltraWinGrid, UltraWebGrid, UltraWebToolbar, UltraWebListbar and UltraWebTab controls, and writing of numerous help file topics.

  2. Development of a database driven WinForms/WebForms combination web application to present dynamically created product fact sheets and reference materials for a large manufacturer of fluid pumps and meters.

  3. Development of a general purpose import/export application for product price catalogs using the Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) standard format for the underlying database.

  4. Developed a Windows based Home Management application using .NET technologies including modules for Calendar, Addresses, Businesses, Contacts, Health, House, Recipe, Shopping and Vehicle. This application allowed the modules to run either stand-alone or re-parented into an Outlook Style or Multi-Document Interface.


2004-2005 (ASP.NET, VB.NET, SQL Server 2000, Infragistics Suites)

With a team of 6 developers and 2 DBA, Mr. Matzen Architected, Managed and Developed an ASP.NET based Automobile Dealership management package using VB.NET and SQL Server 2000 Modules included: Accounting, Addresses, Businesses, Cash Receipts, Framework, Items (Parts Inventory), Orders (Quotes, Parts, Service, Whole Goods, Purchase, Stock Transfer and Count Correction), Payables, Contacts, Products (Catalog), Receivables and Whole Goods Units (Vehicles). This project was created from scratch to about 70% complete and demonstrable at the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) convention in New Orleans in late January 2005.


2005-2012 (ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, MorphX, X++, SQL Server 2000, FRx, Targit, Infragistics Suites)

As a part of a team of 10+ analysts and developers Mr. Matzen has been instrumental in project management, analysis, design and development of Microsoft Axapta (Dynamics AX) applications and integration of third party applications to Axapta.  System/2000 Galaxy was implemented for 22 business office closers and integrated with the Axapta ERP.  Applied Systems Vision was implemented for 7 insurance agents and integrated with the Axapta ERP.  Mr. Matzen developed and implemented a sales video project to present over 1500 video clips from over 200 videos on customer facing second monitors on the desks of 150+ sales consultants.  Mr. Matzen managed and participated in the corporate reporting project where over 700 existing reports were  re-implemented within Microsoft Axapta, SQL Reporting Services, Microsoft FRx and Targit. Most 2011 and 2012 were focused on ETL, Data Warehouse, SSRS for Reporting, SSAS for Business Intelligence, Reporting integration with MS Office, and deployment of the Targit BI Presentation Layer.  I gained extensive experience with the Kimball data warehousing methodologies with successful deployment of three databases and seven cubes.  I was highly involved in our Toastmasters club where I was the club President and have obtained advanced communicator bronze (ACB) and advanced leader bronze (ALB) awards.  I have also been instrumental in creating adult learning programs for our technical training initiatives including courses used to train over 500 users on the differences between AX 2003 and AX 2009.  Many of the learning sessions were deployed on a company wide learning management system and created using PowerPoint and Articulate.


2012-present (Dynamics AX 2012 R2, 2012 R3, V7 with Point of Sale, MorphX, X++, SQL Server 2008 R2 stack, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#)



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T: 813.469.8824   

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